Chevrolet Vice President Brent Dewar retires from GM

Chevrolet Vice President Brent Dewar retires from GMby: Damon Lavrinc

In yet another "that didn't take long" moment from General Motors, Chevrolet's vice president, Brent Dewar, has retired after being appointed in July by recently-ousted CEO Fritz Henderson.

GM's vice president of Sales, Service and Marketing, Susan Docherty, made the announcement late today, with Dewar being replaced by Jim Campbell, the General's former Fleet and Commercial Operations manager, effective immediately.

Unlike the recent push to find an outsider to fill Fritz' vacancy, Campbell, 45, has been with the automaker since 1988 -- effectively making him another GM-lifer. Let's hope Campbell serves a longer stint as vice president than his predecessor -- a total of five months.

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